Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Miss A Webb.
Our Special Educational Needs Link Governor is Mrs Lydia Whiteley.
Our SEND Team:
Miss A Webb
Miss L Swallow (Pupil and Parent Support Manager)
Miss N Graham (EYFS SEND)
Parent and Family Support
Coffee Mornings
The SEND team hold monthly coffee mornings which parents and outside agencies are invited to. This is a welcoming and friendly forum for parents to be part of to discuss any current difficulties, ask for and offer support to others, and share ideas and resources. We also try to share as much information as possible from outside agencies that may be able to offer support around SEND needs. We also use this as an opportunity for parent voice, to help us tailor the provision we offer to the needs of of our families.
Spring 2024
Thursday 18th January 8:50 - 10am
Monday 19th February 8:50 - 10am
Parent Voice
'It’s been fantastic, courses are brilliant and requested courses are always done and very informative.'
'The school has come full circle and try extremely hard to meet SEND needs Miss Webb and her team have worked wonders and go above and beyond.'
'School supports send very well.'
'If it wasn’t for Alex I wouldn’t be where I am today although more things need completing I just need things making clear to me as somethings I’m not sure on but apart from this excellent support.'
Parent Workshops
One of the initiatives we have developed is to hold parent workshop groups in school, to support parents and carers who might need support with specific areas. One of the reasons for doing this is to try and overcome the long waiting lists for external support, along with trying to reduce the anxiety for some parents of joining a group with unfamiliar people.
Workshops completed in Autumn 2022:
Workshops completed in Spring 2023:
Workshops in 2023/24:
If you would like a place on any of the workshops, or any further information, please email carlton@pioneeract.org.uk.