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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything

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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything

Curriculum Information


Christmas crafts and nativity play

Royal Day - we loved dressing up for our Royal Family day! We listened to some Tudor music, drew Windsor Castle, practised some Tudor dancing and even had a royal banquet!

Maths - This term we have learnt Place Value, Addition, Subtraction and Money. We used practical resources to help us and we have even challenged ourselves by using the working wall problem solving and reasoning questions. This term we have improved our arithmetic through weekly practise and some of us are even getting full marks now! We have particularly enjoyed practising our times tables this term using Time Table Rockstars!

Literacy - This term we have particularly enjoyed writing a narrative to tell the story of Stick Man. The children were able to use nouns, verbs and even some adjectives! We practised our conjunctions to improve our sentences and make our story more interesting. We even designed our own front covers for the book!



Our Guiding Question this half term is: How has the landscape in Barnsley changed over the last 100 years?

To help us answer this question we will be thinking about the following things: 

Where do we live?

What did Barnsley look like in the past?

What does Barnsley look like today? 
How has Barnsley changed?

How did they move coal?


To help us answer this question we will be visiting the National Coal Mining Museum for our fieldwork.  




We are learning all about and writing our own:

Narrative Stories about Cinderella

Recount about our visit to The National Coal Mining Museum

Diaries linked to the story Boy of the Deeps


We will be learning about multiplication and division, statistics, shape, length and height and fractions.

We have been learning to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. It would be useful to continue practicing counting forwards in 2’s 5’s and 10’s to 100. Children also need to practice their number bonds to 20 and be able to recall these rapidly. 


We will be learning about plants.  


We will be learning about where we live.    


We will be learning about how Barnsley has changed in the past 100 years.    


We will be learning all about E-safety and exploring Purple Mash. Children can practice these skills at home using their purple mash logons. (These are stuck inside your child’s planner) 

Design Technology:

We will be designing and making our own moving vehicle. 


We be developing our throwing and catching skills.


We will be exploring the key question: Is it easy to be kind to everyone all of the time?

This will link to our work on Christianity. 
