We have lots of exciting things planned for this half term.
Already, we have been on our school trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Experience Barnsley. Following this was World Book Day, when we had a suffragette, a miner and even a boy in a dress. We have also raised money to support a well-known charity - sport relief.
In English, we have written a set of instructions for the traditional Yorkshire Puddings. Now, as we have moved on to our next curriculum topic, we are writing a balanced argument: children (under the age of 18) should not be allowed heart transplants. We are focussing on a range of Y5 skills in order to develop our knowledge and practice of writing. All the knowledge required for each piece of writing will be gained through curriculum and reading lessons, which are focussed on the science of the human body.
In maths, we have already learnt lots about fractions. Week commencing 09.03.2020 we were introduced to decimals. By the end of the half term, our Einsteins will be able to use a range of different mathematical skills - be sure to quiz them about what they've learnt.
Curriculum is focused on answering our overarching science-driven question: How are animals, including humans, designed to survive? Each week will focus on answering sub-questions to support our learning journey:
What systems help to keep the human body alive?
1. Can I name and locate the main organs of the digestive system?
2. Can I describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans?
3. Can I identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system?
4. Can I describe the functions of the heart?
5. Can I describe the functions of the blood vessels and blood?
TASK: Create a 3D model of the human body and the systems in it using recyclable materials. Take lots of pictures, upload them to twitter and tag @carltoneistein so we can see the process.
How can teeth support human's survival?
1. Can I name and identify the different types of teeth in humans?
2. Can I describe the main functions of the different types of teeth?
Task: Create a 3D model of the human mouth and the systems in it using recyclable materials? Be sure to label each type of tooth and describe the main functions.
Take lots of pictures, upload them to twitter and tag @carltoneistein so we can see the process.
What impact do food chains have on survival?
1. Can I construct and interpret a variety of food chains?
2. Can I identify producers, predators, consumer and prey in food chains?
Follow this useful link to help you:
TASK: Draw 5 food chains that may occur in different environments. Be sure to label producers, predators, consumers and prey.
Take lots of pictures, upload them to twitter and tag @carltoneistein so we can see the process.
How can our lifestyle affect our length of survival?
1. Can I recognise the impact that diet has on our bodies?
2. Can I recognise the impact that exercise has on our bodies?
3. Can I recognise the impact drugs has on human bodies?
TASK: Write a non-chronological report.
1. Title: How can our lifestyle affect our length of survival?
2. Introduction
3. Subheading: Diet
4. Subheading: Exercise
5. Subheading: Drugs
6. Conclusion
Take lots of pictures, upload them to twitter and tag @carltoneistein so we can see the process.
Every Monday, in IT (Internet Technology), we are developing our understanding of coding. Pupils are able to put their coding skills into practise using PurpleMash.
In PE (Physical Education), we are lucky enough to be furthering our skills in dodgeball with Mr Walters on a Thursday morning and gymnastics with Mrs Arnold on Friday afternoon. Remember to bring your PE kits and have your hair tied up, so that you are ready and raring to go.