"Inspire yourself, inspire each other."
Hello, and welcome to the Class RS webpage!
You have come to the right place for all things related to Class Berners-Lee.
We are a class of Y5 & Y6 pupils taught by Mr. R. Smith.
Throughout the year, we will be supported by Mrs. T. Hipwell-Stafford & Mrs. J. Harwood.
We will also be working closely alongside Mr. B. Roebuck & Miss. H. Rutter.
Our class mascot is Mr. Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the world-wide web.
Without him, you might not be reading this right now!
Our webpage will be regularly updated with news, events, photographs and home learning so please add our webpage to your favourites.
You can also follow us on Twitter.
Right! Let's explore...
w/b September 3rd, 2020
Class RS have settled brilliantly back into school.
We have learnt about Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the world wide web and we have designed our own imaginary apps.
In Art, we have started studying the portrait artist Graham Sutherland and had a go at recreating the human face by studying our own faces. We will, in time, create portraits of famous leaders in the style of Sutherland using paint.
Next week, we will be launching our first enquiry: What makes leaders great.
Be thinking what you think a great leader is. How do they act? How do they think? What do they do?
A reminder that your P.E. day is THURSDAY with Mr. Walters.
Please come to school wearing your PE kits with warm clothes on top of your kit as you will not be getting changed for PE at school at this present time.
Follow us on Twitter #CarltonBerners