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Carlton Primary Academy

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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything


Geography at Carlton

Geography at Carlton Primary Academy aims to prepare children for life in a global community. The curriculum is designed across a two year cycle to expose children to current aspects of geographical research as aspects of geography which interlinks with other subjects. The curriculum aims to provide children with a magnifying glass with which they can first focus, in Key Stage One, on their local area and gradually move out to learn about Europe and eventually the wider world in order to explore different cultures, countries and different ways of life. In this, the curriculum is designed to follow a well sequenced, clear learning path across a two year cycle which teaches children about the wider world once they have learnt the fundamental British values.


Because of the wide scope of Geography as a subject, the curriculum ensures pupils understand, appreciate and respect differences in views, beliefs and opinions; positively celebrating commonalities and differences across culture, religion, ethnicity, and society in order to value and nurture each other; and discussing and debating in sensitive, considered ways. This naturally interlinks with the values of the school: Community, Respect, Excellence and Pride. Children are taught to combine their understanding of the physical geography such as countries, oceans and climates with the human and social aspects of geography such as cultures, languages and societies in order to create a well-rounded view of our planet. The curriculum is underpinned by precise, current, robust research which is embedded throughout all aspects of the curriculum in order to provide the children with the tools to understand current geographical issues (such as climate change, the European Union and even local issues such as the North/South divide) and comprehensively question the world around them with original thought.
