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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything

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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything

Einstein 2019-20


After all your hard work and dedictation to home learning this half term, you most definitely deserve a well-needed break. If you are bored and looking for something to do, Mr Roebuck and I have put together a 'Through the Decades' project - based on art and music - for you below. The project can be accessed below or on SeeSaw, where we would love to see what you create. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it. 

Monday 18th May 2020 - Weekly Update

Still image for this video

Hello everyone,


Due to a high demand on SeeSaw, we are unable to upload your daily tasks. So, I have attached them in the files below - organised by date. I have also uploaded an Easter project for you, as a family, to keep busy whilst safe at home. 


Please continue to take pictures of all the work you do, upload them to Twitter and tag @carltoneinstein


Thank you for your continual support.

Miss Rutter :-)

Follow the link below to find some useful home-learning websites:


If there are school closures due to COVID-19, please ensure that you complete the tasks set each day on SeeSaw. There will be a reading, maths and SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) task set each day, which are expected to be completed fully and to a high standard.

Please continue to explore PurpleMash and Times Table Rockstars to minimise disruption that any closures may cause.


For curriculum projects/tasks, please see the 'Curriculum' page below.



"You never fail until you stop trying" - Albert Einstein


Hello and welcome to Einstein Class.

We are an incredible team of year five children taught by Miss. H. Rutter.

We are supported in class by Mrs. T. Hipwell-Stafford.

We are named after Albert Einstein, the legendary theoretical physicist.

This is the webpage to visit to keep updated with our learning, news and achievements.

We hope you enjoy your visit.


From time to time, we will be taught by a range of adults including Mr. B. Roebuck,

Mr. R. Smith, Mrs. D. Greatorex & Mr. N. Walters to name but a few. We will also be working closely with Mandela and Berners-Lee classes, as we continue to move forward with our curriculum lessons. It is is certainly shaping up to be an exciting year for all of those in Einstein class.


Don't forget to check us out and follow us on twitter to keep up to date with everything that goes on in Einstein class this year. (@CarltonEinstein)


Homework Policy:

Homework is distributed on Friday afternoon and due in by Wednesday morning. Anyone that manages to complete their homework and hand it in early, however, gains penny stamps as a reward - 2 pennies Monday or 1 penny Tuesday.

All homework links directly to our weekly learning. But, if your child does find the homework difficult, please feel free to contact myself anytime via the school email.


We do encourage your child to attend Homework Club on a Tuesday after school. This enables the children to access support from myself or their peers, as well as getting it finished whilst still in school.


We promise to keep you updated on all aspects of our learning throughout the year. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to. Click on the links below to begin your exploration!
