Summer Term 2018-19
Our final term as Hazel class is upon us and we have lots of things to look forward to over the next few weeks!
Our topic this term is Enterprise, with a particular focus on Animals. After learning about living things and their habitats, here in the UK and in South America, we will begin planning our Enterprise project, which will enable us to work in small groups to create/ provide a product or service for our Enterprise fair, which will be held in Summer 2.
We will learn how to design, create and promote our own products or services, which will be available to purchase at our Enterprise fair. All of the funds raised will go towards our end of year treat!
Keeping with our animal theme, we will also be reading Michael Morpurgo’s, Running Wild, as a class.
English and Maths homework will be set every Friday. These should then be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Children who return their homework by Monday will be rewarded with 2 pennie, children who return their homework by Tuesday will be rewarded with 1 penny!
New spellings will be set every Monday and children will be tested every Friday morning. Although children will practice their spellings in school throughout the week, we would recommend that they practice at home too!
Reading Books
Children will take home a reading book every night, which must be returned to school every day. Children will read with an adult in school at least once per week and will be rewarded with pennies for reading and having their book in school!