Carlton Primary Academy is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors whilst promoting a climate where children and adults will feel confident about sharing any concerns which they may have for their own safety or the well-being of others. For more information please see our safeguarding policy.
It is everybody's responsibility to make sure children and young people feel safe and cared for. It is important that you know who to speak to if you are concerned about ANY child in or out of school. Passing on information could help to safeguard young people and should not be seen as interfering. Our safeguarding officer at Carlton is Madison Beet, you can speak to her in confidence about any issues regarding the safety and well-being of children.
Parenting can be a hard job and sometimes you need a little help. The following websites give useful information and advice:
Social Care Assessment Team- If you think a child is at risk of harm 01226 772423
ChildLine 0800 1111
Police – If you think a child is in danger 01142202020