Welcome to Anning Class page!
Anning is a split Year One/Two class
We love to learn and explore the curriculum through activities lead by an adult as well as independent learning in provision within the classroom.
Our PE day is Tuesday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day.
A spelling rule is sent out in planners on Monday and pupils will be tested on the rule.
Homework is sent out via Seesaw each Tuesday and needs to be submitted online by the following Monday.
Class teacher - Miss Wilkinson
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Cook, Mrs Pile and Mrs Williams
Be a rainbow in someone's cloud
Who are we named after?
Mary Anning was a famous fossil hunter. She was born in 1799 and lived in Lyme Regis by the sea.
Mary was good at spotting fossils in rocks, and her father taught her how to get the fossils out of the rock by gently and carefully chipping the rock away from the fossil using a hammer and chisel.
Mary and her family had little money, so Mary and her brother Joseph would take the fossils they had removed from the rocks, and sell them for a penny. Each on a stall in the street near where they lived.
Years later Mary made some amazing discoveries. She was the first to find the fossil of an Ichthyosaurus and a Plesiosaur.
Many of the fossils that she discovered were then taken to London and put on display in the British Museum.
Mary Anning died in 1847. She is still remembered as one of the greatest fossil hunters ever to have lived.