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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything

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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything

Home Learning

Home learning is anything children do outside the normal school day that contributes to their learning, in response to guidance from the school.


At Carlton we see home learning as an important example of cooperation between teachers and parents/carers. One of the aims of our teaching is for children to develop as independent learners, and we believe that doing homework is one of the main ways in which children can acquire the skill of independent learning.


Home learning plays a positive role in raising a child’s level of attainment. However, we also acknowledge the important role of play time, free time and family time in a child’s growth and development. While homework is important, it should not prevent children from taking part in the activities of various out-of-school clubs and of other activities that play an important part in the lives of our pupils. We believe that the home learning set at Carlton will support learning and progress as well as being manageable for pupils and their families.


In EYFS and KS1 home learning is set weekly. Staff would ask that children read daily and complete maths tasks that are set every weekly. In addition, we encourage pupils to log in to Numbots to practice their maths skills. 


In KS2 home learning will also focus on key skills of reading and maths. Pupils are expected to read regularly, use TTRockstars to practice their multiplication tables, and complete regular tasks sent out by teachers.


Children have a Home Learning workbook that they can record their work in, as well as recording any reading at home in their Planners. 







Multiplication Tables
