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Together We Can Achieve Anything

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Carlton Primary Academy

Together We Can Achieve Anything



Whilst Pioneer Academies Community Trust is ultimately accountable for the performance of each of its academies, Carlton Primary Academy has a local governing body that is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the standards of its academy. 


The Academy Trust Board operates the principle of earned autonomy as it believes that best results will be achieved when each academy’s Local Governing Body receives a level of responsibility and autonomy appropriate to its specific circumstances. Where an academy has demonstrated it is a strong, self-improving organisation, it will need minimal day to day supervision from the Board of Trustees and the Local Governing Body will be given the autonomy to run the school within agreed delegated powers. Where an academy is performing below an acceptable standard,  the Trust has the legal and moral  authority to intervene, in order to bring about improvements.


The core business of the Local Governing Body is to:

  • Review and monitor the Academy Improvement Plan
  • Monitor and review Standards of attainment and progress
  • Review and monitor the curriculum and educational provision
  • Ensure sound financial planning, budget monitoring and best value


A written record of Local Governing Body meetings are taken in the form of minutes and are available upon request, please contact Mrs N Nurcombe, School Business Manager 01226 722166.


For more information about the structure of the Academy Trust governance, please follow the link below

Carlton Primary Academy Local Governing Body Membership

Local Governor Meetings 2022-2023


 LGB 02.11.22LGB 21.02.23
A. SteadmanYesYes
D. LiptrotYesN/A
L. MacDonaldYesYes
L. WhiteleyYesYes
C. RhodesYesYes
I KittrickN/AYes
K BeetN/AYes
L SwallowN/AYes

Finance Committee Meetings 2022-2023


A. SteadmanYes
L. MacDonaldYes
L. WhiteleyYes

Local Governor Meetings 2021-2022


 LGB 17.11.21LGB 22.3.22LGB 12.7.22LGB 02.11.22
A. SteadmanYesYesYesYes
N. SmithYesNoYesNo
G. ConwayNoYesYesNo
D. LiptrotYesYesNoYes
L. MacDonaldYesYesYesYes
L. WhiteleyYesYesYesYes

Finance Committee Meetings 2021-2022


A. SteadmanYesYesYesYes
L. MacDonaldNoNoYesYes
L. WhiteleyYesYesYesYes



Local Governor Meetings 2020-2021


 LGB 10.11.20LGB 2.3.21LGB13.7.21
A. SteadmanYesYesYes
N. SmithYesYesYes
G. ConwayYesYesNo
K. HerbertYesYesYes
D. LiptrotYesYesYes
D. JacksonN/AYesYes


 Local Governor Meetings 2019-2020


  LGB 8.11.19 LGB 5.3.20 LGB13.7.20
A. Steadman Yes Yes Yes
N. Smith Yes Yes Yes
G. Conway Yes Yes No
K. Herbert Yes No Yes
D. Liptrot Yes Yes Yes


Local Governor Meetings 2018-2019


Name 08.10.18 10.12.18 11.04.19 17.07.19
Alex Steadman Y Y Y Y
Nichola Smith Y Y Y N
Gemma Conway Y Y Y Y
Tracy Hurd Y Y Y N
Kerry Herbert Y N Y Y
Danii Baxter N NA NA NA
Denise Liptrot NA NA Y Y


Carlton Governors 2017/18
